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3 Grades of Concussions


brain scan of a concussionA concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that causes the brain to suddenly and quickly move out of its normal positioning inside your skull – generally caused by a direct blow to the head or a blow to the body that is hard enough to cause the head to violently shake.

Doctors in the U.S. and across the globe use a grading system when they diagnose concussion injuries as a way of measuring the extent of the damage and potential symptoms that may arise.

What Are the 3 Grades of Concussions?

The following are the three grades of concussions:

Grade 1 Concussion

Grade 1 concussions are usually assigned to individuals who sustain a mild concussion, which means there was no loss of consciousness. However, a person suffering from a Grade 1 concussion can experience some or all associated symptoms within minutes, hours, or days after an accident.

Symptoms of a Grade 1 concussion may include:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Memory loss
  • Attention/focusing issues

Grade 2 Concussion

Grade 2 concussions often involve a moderate concussion, which means there was a temporary loss of consciousness between a few seconds and several minutes. The potential symptoms are the same as a Grade 1 concussion, as well as ringing in the ears, irritability, and temporary amnesia.

Grade 3 Concussion

A Grade 3 concussion is the most serious level of concussion and means there was a loss of consciousness for around five minutes, possibly longer. In addition to the symptoms of Grade 1 and 2 concussions, people who suffer Grade 3 concussions may also experience vomiting, seeing stars, and amnesia for at least 24 hours. A Grade 3 concussion carries the highest risk for long-term concussion symptoms or even permanent brain damage.

What Are the Top Causes of Concussions?

As stated above, concussions occur when a person's head or body sustains such a hard impact that the brain actually shifts its position within the skull. Even with the amazing protection that our skulls give, concussions are a very common injury.

Here are the top ways a concussion can happen:

If you suffered a concussion and other injuries caused by a negligent party, then you may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit with the help of an experienced attorney in order to recover the compensation you need to pay medical bills and make up for lost time at work.

How To Tell If You Have a Concussion

Not everyone who suffers a concussion experiences the same symptoms, however, there are a few commonly reported signs that can help you determine if you have suffered a concussion or not:

  • Loss of conciousness or blacking out
  • Headache or feelings of “pressure” in the head
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Trouble balancing or feeling dizzy
  • Double or blurry vision
  • Sensativity to light or sounds
  • Feeling sluggish or groggy
  • Feeling confusioned or having trouble concentrating
  • Trouble remembering what happened
  • A sense of “not feeling right” or “feeling down”

Even mild concussions can become serious if they do not receive proper medical attention, and there are more serve brain injuries that may go undiagnosed. If you or a loved one has recently experienced a concussion, you must see a doctor immediately to have him/her evaluate your injury and symptoms.

If you suffered a TBI in an accident caused by negligence in Woodbridge, contact Palmisano & Goodman, P.A. today at (732) 709-4400 for a free consultation. We’ve secured millions of dollars are behalf of our clients throughout New Jersey.
