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Opera singer says botched episiotomy ruined her career


New Jersey readers may be interested to know about a woman who claims that a mid-wife performed an episiotomy without consent and botched the procedure. The medical malpractice suit filed on behalf of the plaintiff claims the new mother now has excessive flatulence and periodic stool leakage that has caused her to put her opera career on hold.

Hospital records indicate that the Certified Nurse-Midwife performed a midline episiotomy and delivered a 7 lb. 11 oz. baby boy. The hospital records also indicate that the CNM repaired the episiotomy with 3-0 vicryl. The plaintiff alleges that she was never given an option about whether to have the episiotomy or not, nor was she informed of the risks or benefits of the procedure. In addition, no doctor was summoned to assess or repair the incision.

A colorectal surgeon has told the woman that she will require reconstructive surgery to repair the damage. However, he doesn't believe it would eliminate her issues and more procedures may be required in the future. The surgery would also require that any further children be delivered by Cesarean section. Due to concern over the risks to her singing career a Cesarian section may cause, she claims she's been advised to put off the reconstructive surgery until she's completed her family. The plaintiff and her husband are seeking damages in the amount of $2.5 million.

Medical procedures that are performed incorrectly can leave patients and their families with life-long issues that include loss of income, constant pain and the inability to work. In some cases, a medical malpractice attorney may be able to help negotiate a settlement that compensates the patient and his or her family for their losses.