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Teen left brain damaged after breast augmentation surgery


New Jersey residents considering cosmetic surgery may want to know that a teenage mother is brain damaged due to complications that followed a breast augmentation. The 18-year-old woman's family plans to sue the Coral Gables Cosmetic Center for medical malpractice and is seeking legal guardianship of the girl's son, who is 4.

In Aug. 2013, the Florida teen went to the cosmetic clinic for the fairly routine surgery at a discount. She suffered complications one hour following the surgery and went into a coma. She awoke from the coma in October, at which time the doctors said that she suffered brain damage. The doctors advised the family to take the girl off of life support, and they took her home in early November.

Since her return home, the teen mom has required 24-hour care. The family's lawyer says that she cannot eat, go to the bathroom or bathe alone. The teen is unable to walk or talk and cannot care for her son, the lawyer noted. The girl's mother says that her daughter has depression and cries often.

The cosmetic clinic claims that they have discovered in their own investigation that the teen did not reveal her full medical history before she was admitted. The doctor says that her medical records show that she experienced a similar reaction during child birth, and he believes the girl hid that information so that she could get the surgery. However, the family's lawyer denies that the teen knew she would have complications from anesthesia because she did not receive any during child birth.

In medical malpractice lawsuits, doctors, nurses and organizations could be held accountable for the injuries that a patient suffers following a treatment or surgery. Lawyers and courts assess evidence to determine who is liable for the injuries. If the doctor and nurses are held liable in this case, the family could receive damages to cover the cost of past medical bills and long-term care related to the teen's condition.